Curators team
Yang Chao is a famous Chinese city planner, art critic and curator with early formal training in printmaking. He is Director of the Xian Art Museum, where he has successfully hosted several acclaimed, international, contemporary art exhibitions as part of his strategy to make the Xian Art Museum the best in China. Additionally, he has focused on public art education successfully building and enriching local cultural life. He is chairman of the Xian Meiling organization and Art Director of the National Resort District of Xian, Lin Tong. Mr. Yang has been engaged to work as public art director and city strategist for several other cities in China as well.

A New Model Exemplifies the Art Museum Boom in China: Yang Chao in Conversation with Zheng Shengtian February 20, 2014, Vancouver, published in Yishu Magazine, vol. 13 no. 5, 2014.
Yan Zhou was born in China and currently lives in Toronto. She holds a Master of Museum Studies from the University of Toronto, and a Bachelor of Chinese Language & Literature from Northwest University, China. She is an independent curator, a critic of art and literature, a poet and translator. In 2014, her curatorially successful exhibition Through the Body: Lens Based Works by Contemporary Chinese Women Artists was shown at the University of Toronto Art Centre during the international Contact photography festival. She is also the founder and curator of Montagneau Poetry & Art collaborative project since 2012.

Interview of Yan Zhou: Trigger future cultural communication possibilities through art dialogues between China and Canada.
Christine Platt is a Canadian who has worked in the arts around the globe, but is now based in Toronto. She holds a Master of Museum Studies from the Amsterdam School of the Arts, a Masters in Chinese Studies from the University of Cambridge, and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Queen’s University. After working for several private and public art institutions, she is now an independent curator. She also writes about contemporary art regularly, including bi-monthly contributions to Tribe Magazine.